Saturday, October 11, 2008

Heeeee's Baaaaaaack...

So this morning my brother got into town with my sister-in-law and their three kids. Although I LOVE my brother I can assure you he is the whole reason behind my blog title.

Growing up he was always the superstar. He didn't have to study and maintained good grades, I struggled. We both sang but he was in the spotlight while I tried to keep up. I loved to act but couldn't face my fears of auditions and he was the lead in everything he auditioned for....

My parents fawned over him like he was the greatest thing since sliced bread. As I arrived at my parent's house today I was nervous. This is the first time in almost five years that he's been home and I guess I just don't know what to expect...

Either way I love him!


Heather said...

I know how you feel sometimes. It seems like even though I am the oldest my brother is the one who can do no wrong. How are your folks doing?? I saw them early this year at WW meeting.